Our Supporters
We can not sing our praises enough for those that donate and support the rescue and the horses that come to us. Please support those who give from their hearts. They are the glue that holds us all together.
We have many supporters that we could not begin to list, however we do want to give credit to all that help support the Indiana Horse Rescue and really stand up when we just don’t know how we can keep things going. Thank you just never feels like enough, but Thank you from everyone who volunteers at the rescue and thank you for helping thousands of horses over 20+ years!
We can not begin to thank all those who have supported Indiana Horse Rescue for so many years. There are just so many we did not get to personally thank and let know we were relocating. So much love, sweat and tears went into the rescue by so very many.
It has taken me this long to write as crying just makes my breathing worse – I’m still re-learning to breath in this high altitude! If I survived nearly 26 years of rescue, I can survive and reopen again. Either way, the rescue will continue under Animal Protection Coalition, Inc. We will be updating everyone here and on Facebook.
Thank you! and God Bless You!
Please keep an eye out for horses in Indiana – They still need YOU to be their voice!

Too many photos to choose, so I tried to just show the seasons at the farm.